Saturday, September 20, 2008

Always... Too Soon

Another late night I'm up with practically nothing to do- I have decided to add a few more poems (trying to do this as often as possible)... Anyway enjoy the following poems dealing with I guess you can say a theme of being in love and losing out to something else that is more important to the man you love... lol
Anyhow I gotta run now but be blessed and keep smiling!
Princess Natasha

Like Always
By Natasha Tatania D. Rufin
September 10th, 2008

Don't kiss me like that
To go back to her
Like Always.

Don't touch me like that
To run back to her bed
Like always.

Don't whisper those words to me
Only to repeat them to her
Again as always.

Just let me go
And stay with the apple of your eye
Like always.

Too Soon
By: Natasha D. Rufin
September 10th, 2005

"Yeah mon cherie, I will take you to heaven.
But can you handle it?"
That's what he said
As he pulled me into his arms
Could I handle him
This man I met just 48 hours before
Who had me out of my home after four
Not a good girl move for sure
Doing nothing but everything all at once
Making me fall in love with his homeland
The land of my forefathers
For once this exotic flower had found her home
And as we danced under the light of the moon.
I knew that he would leave
And no matter when he returned to the land he loves
It would for me altogether be too soon!

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